Causes and Preventive Measures of Oil Needle

Aug 17, 2024

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In the daily operation of the circular knitting machine, the oil needle problem is a common and troublesome fault. If not treated in time, the oil needle will not only affect the quality of the fabric, but also cause potential damage to the machine itself. This paper will introduce the cause of the oil needle problem of the knitting machine and the countermeasures.

The Cause of the Oil Needle Problem

When the oil supply system of the circular knitting machine can not meet the operation demand of the machine, it is easy to cause the oil needle problem. Specifically, the formation of the oil needle mainly has the following two situations:

Abnormal Oil Supply or Unbalanced Oil/Gas Ratio

When the oil supply is too large and the air supply is insufficient, the needle is not only oil mist, but also may be mixed with a large number of oil droplets. There are too many of these oil droplets to be fully absorbed by the stitch, which flows out of the machine, resulting in the waste of oil. In addition, these oil droplets will also mix with the lint in the stitch, which may form a continuous oil needle, affecting the normal operation of the machine.

Insufficient Supply of Oil or Excessive Supply of Air

If there is insufficient oil supply or too much air supply, the density of the oil mist formed in the stitch will be too low to form a sufficient lubricating film on the needle, cylinder, and stitch. This leads to increased friction and higher machine temperatures. High temperature will accelerate the oxidation of metal particles, oxidized metal particles with the knitting needle rise to the knitting area, may form yellow or black oil needles, this oil needle not only affect the quality of the knitwear, but also cause damage to the machine.

Precautions for Oil Needles

Ensure Adequate Oil Supply

To prevent the formation of oil pins, it is necessary to ensure that the machine has an adequate and appropriate supply of oil during start-up and operation. Adequate lubrication is especially important when the machine has a high load, operates multiple paths or uses harder materials. Before operation, the fuel tank and oil circuit should be carefully checked to ensure that the oil is sufficient and that the oil supply system works normally.

Cleaning and Lubrication Preparation Before Operation

Before starting the machine, the needle barrel, triangle area and other key components must be thoroughly cleaned to remove any impurities that may affect lubrication. After that, the cylinder is replaced and the machine is idled for at least 10 minutes to form a uniform oil film on the surface of the triangle stitch and the needle, thereby reducing friction and the production of metal powder during operation.

Detailed Check Before Startup

Before starting the machine each time, the regulator and service technicians must carefully check the oil supply system to ensure that the oil supply line is not blocked and the lubrication system is operating normally. At the same time, the workers on duty should check the oil supply and machine temperature before taking over to ensure that everything is normal. If there is any abnormality, the maintenance personnel should be reported immediately and corresponding measures should be taken to solve it.

Emergency Treatment of Oil Needle Problem

Stop Immediately and Check

Once the oil needle problem is found, it should be stopped immediately to avoid further deterioration of the problem. First, check the lubrication inside the triangular seat to determine whether the needle needs to be replaced or cleaned.
Clean and Replace Critical Components
If it is found that the triangle stitch has yellowing or contains a large amount of oil droplets, it is recommended to thoroughly clean the machine. Special attention should be paid to the cylinder, needle and triangle area when cleaning to ensure that all oil and metal powder are removed. If the oil needle problem is minor, it may be sufficient to replace part of the knitting needle or use waste yarn for cleaning.

Adjust Oil Supply and Continue to Monitor

After dealing with the oil needle problem, the oil supply must be readjusted to ensure the normal operation of the oil supply system. At the same time, after resuming the operation of the machine, the operation of the machine should continue to be closely monitored to ensure that the problem does not recur.

Sum up

By implementing these meticulous prevention and treatment measures, we are not only able to effectively control the occurrence of oil needle problems, but also significantly improve the overall performance of the knitting machine. These measures ensure the efficiency and stability of the machine over a long period of operation, thereby reducing the frequency of unplanned downtime and maintenance, saving time and costs for the factory.

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